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Tell Me About Travel Nurse Pay

Travel nurse pay can be a formidable course to navigate, but it doesn't have to be. This article helps you dissect the aspects and what is important to know.
04/15/2016 | 2 minutes to read

There are many reasons to become a travel nurse. And, the travel nurse pay is can be a significant influence.

The climate where you live is cold in the winter and you want warmer weather, so you work in Florida during the winter and at home in the spring, summer and fall. You want to experience living in different parts of the country, so you have decided to be a traveling nurse for a few years. There are more opportunities in the type of nursing you are interested in as a traveling nurse. There could be many more reasons, but whatever the reason there are many benefits to being a traveling nurse, not the least of which is the above average travel nurse pay and benefits.

Traveling nurses can make on average $22 to $60 per hour plus travel expenses. Rates vary depending on experience, specialty, the assignment and the region of the country. Traveling nurses are typically paid an allowance for meals and incidentals and are guaranteed a minimum number of hours which may include overtime. Typically, there is also an opportunity to contribute to 401K a retirement plan. Medical, dental and life insurance plans are also provided that allow many choices to suit your needs.

In addition to the basic travel nurse salary compensation package there are often bonuses available for sign-on, completion of projects and referrals. Because of the high demand for travel nurses you are able to pick and chose assignments suitable to your lifestyle and goals and you can take time off between assignments whenever you want, the lifestyle is very flexible. There are usually short and long term assignments available and it is possible to be a traveling nurse right in your own community.

Traveling nurses receive fully furnished free quality housing in convenient locations. There are housing options available to choose from including a generous subsidy should you decide to find your own accommodations. Traveling nurses are reimbursed for all travel expenses through a tax-accountable plan, which makes the reimbursements, tax free. There is also usually a discount program for, such things as, cell phone, pager and roadside assistance.

As a traveling nurse you will also receive free continuing education to stay compliant with requirements and to stay current in the healthcare field.

Becoming a traveling nurse is a good way to expand your professional experience and resume, which will allow you to command an even higher travel nurse salary in the future. It is also a good way to meet new people and experience different areas of the country or to try out new locations before making a permanent move. It is also possible to travel with family and friends to these different locations.

One of the keys to a successful travel nursing experience is to choose the right travel nursing company. Each company will have its own unique package of benefits and services, so research is needed to find the best company for you. There is no reason to stay with a travel nurse agency that you are not happy with; it is fairly easy to find other companies to work with and receive the highest travel nurse pay available.

If you’d like to learn more about travel nursing, click here.

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